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Smax 3.0 green exhibition project manager training will be successfully concluded
clicks:  1066        作者:未知
  • In August 30,2019 to August 31, a two-day Smax 3.0 green exhibition exhibition project manager training in Smax China headquarters (Suzhou) class, from Guangdong, Fujian, Shanxi, Hubei,Jiangsu, etc more than ten around the Smax3.0 project manager gathered, we learn from each other, share, understanding and learning the core and field ofSmax 3.0 green exhibition content, two days full of dry goods, students said that they are benefited.

    Review course, on the morning of August 30, every project manager signed in one after another, and started the first day of learning. The first lesson in the morning was Shared by Mr. Wang from the Marketing Department of Smax China, who was the practitioner of green exhibition, namely, how to interpret green exhibition and an overview of Smax 3.0.Then, Wanggong, project manager of Smax China headquarters, explained in detail how to create a more outstanding green exhibition project with design. He started with a design topic of the on-site stand, and everyone discussed in groups and published their own design ideas.Our stand designer Li Zhicheng also demonstrated how to draw a stand diagram, behind a simple stand diagram, also contains the ingenuity and inspiration of designers.Finally, Cao gong, project manager of the headquarters, demonstrated the main parts of Smax 3.0, as well as the calculation and decomposition of materials.After a morning of peace in the knowledge training, everyone had a deeper step to the Smax 3.0 kernel.Its our turn to practice in the afternoon, after learning the Smax 3.0 of the three basic parts of the site ,our headquarters staff also facilitate your project manager, build together in the exhibition meeting before striking the moon gate, the urban lounge and Chinese box, let all people be able to experience Smaxs "fast" and "green", also used to practice to further for accessories and basic cognitive operation.At the end of the afternoon, little Hu from the publicity and technology department explained to us how to edit cases and spread on new media in the later stage, so as to help us make self-promotion with the help of new media platform.

    The next morning, manager Zheng of Smax China Shared with us how to effectively improve the business content and make the green exhibition more profitable. The content mainly started with three philosophical questions, asking customers: what can I do to help you?Ask yourself: what can I bring for you?It also emphasizes three key points: experience, word of mouth and circle. Each person's environment and customer group are not the same. How to bring a strong sense of experience to customers in a professional way is the most important.At the end of the session, Zheng always for everyone on the doubts and operational issues on a variety of questions, to some confused project managers before the light bulb.In the afternoon, everyone had the final practical test. Without the help of the headquarters, they were divided into three groups and completed the construction of trump's stand. With their unremitting efforts, all of them successfully passed the test and got the certification certificate of the project manager of Smax China.

    Two days trip, project managers all had something to gain, after that, these seeds players will have to go back to their own city, into their respective team training, we also hope to have more hope in the future star to join our Smax 3.0 of the project manager training, to help the team to create more better Smax 3.0 green exhibition convention and exhibition.






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